
WikiLeaks, Assange avoid sanctions

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange leaves Belmarsh Magistrates court in London on January 11, where he was fighting extradition to Sweden over sexual misconduct charge

THE US Treasury said it does not have enough evidence to place sanctions on WikiLeaks or its leader Julian Assange.

Responding to Congressman Peter King who asked the department to add the site and its founder to its blacklisted entities list maintained at the Office of Foreign Assets Control, the Treasury said none of its current programs could reach either WikiLeaks or Assange.

The Treasury administers but does not create the criteria for sanctions; that power comes either legislatively or by executive order.

"We do not have evidence at this time as to Julian Assange or WikiLeaks meeting criteria under which [Treasury] may designate persons and place them on the" sanctions list, a Treasury representative said.

WikiKeaks does not grow weak! ... WikiLeaks grows STRONGER!!!

¡WikiLeaks no se debilita! ... ¡¡¡WikiLeaks se hace MÁS FUERTE!!!

We Are Anonymous!!! ... YOU Are Anonymous!!!
Anonymous is the People!!! ... The People is Anonymous!!!

Comandancia General del Grupo LatinHacker,
Guerrilleros mediáticos en el Frente Ideológico.

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