
Julian Assange and Posada Carriles: Two Sides of the U.S. Injustice

By Rolando Sarmiento Ricart


Cuban-born ex-CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles knows so much about the U.S. warmongering adventures as Wikileaks does, because he has been a lead actor of many terrorist actions in the same country that provides him shelter, in Latin America and in Cuba.

However, the false justice goes so far as to stretch a broken condom: Australian, Swedish, English...? in turning journalist and alleged sexual harasser into a dangerous terrorist, while confessed plastic bomb expert, Posada Carriles, attends court in El Paso, Texas, only for lying to the U.S. migration authorities.

Two glaring truths hide behind the imperial lie:
The first one is the complicity and the support given by U.S. administrations and the Cuban-American mafia that, in spite of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the missile crisis in 1962, the support to the contra-revolutionary rebel groups in the Sierra del Escambray mountain range, the downing of a civil Cuban airliner off the coast of Barbados by a bomb made by Posada Carriles and the least infamous terrorist Orlando Bosch and many other terrorist attacks in the island nation, have not intimidated the Cuban people over the last 52 years, of 11 hostile administrations in Washington.

Another reason is the fact that Julian Assange deserves to be punished because he published myriads of classified information in Wikileaks revealing the authentic State-sponsored terror in attacking countries that do not treat the U.S. hegemonic policy with reverence.

Posada hopes and trusts that the court in El Paso tries him only for lying and assures that Barack Obama’s government will continue giving him protection as the previous administrations did, because he is a living encyclopedia of unusual secret information on destabilizing plans against progressive government in Central and South America, tortures, assassination attempts against popular leaders, killings of civilians, peasants and sabotages of many sorts, which he claims and boasts about.

And when he says so, it might be the only truth that he tells in his whole life. Let's just remember the spectacular prison break in Venezuela, the pardon of ex-Panamanian president Mireya Moscoso, who now is living as she pleases in the same lair of the anti-Cuban terrorists.

However, Assange is being held in a maximum security prison in England, at the expense of a court specializing in terrorism that will not convict him for using or not a seductive condom, but for disclosing the truths about the hypocritical policy of the United States.

Source:  Julian Assange and Posada Carriles: Two Sides of the U.S. Injustice

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